Whopper Plopper Review
One of the hottest new baits in 2016 is the River2Sea Whopper Plopper. Originally designed to catch northern species like the pike and walleye the Whopper Plopper not only accomplished that mission but caught many small and largemouth bass along the way. Now clearly in the bass catching category frame of mind the team at River2Sea turned to perfecting rattle, color and size options for the plopper.
On my latest trip to Cabela’s, I dropped by the fishing booth and chatted with the rep about the popularity of the lure this year. He was joking that River2Sea got a little overzealous with the success and release a “double” Whopper Plopper which seemed quite gimmicky. However, that is not to say that their original model wasn’t a huge success – cause it is.
I am not a top water guy. I’m not there yet. I always seem to take a frog, torpedo
or popper but I just can’t ever get down the right cadence of the retrieve. With little success I always find myself going back to confidence baits all too quickly. Not the case with the Whopper Plopper – it is a steady retrieve! Of course you can mix things up but the rod and wrist action that normal top water lures require is not necessary.

5 inch Whopper Plopper
I picked up 3 versions on my trip to Cabela’s: 5″ Bone White with Rattle, 5″ Bluegill without Rattle and the 3″ shad color with rattle. After being out a few times with these here is what I have to say. My preference is for the 5 inch version – it is easier to cast and work and the “plopping” sound is much more effective. My perch color without a rattle saw more action than with of my other two but I also tended to throw it more. I tied the 5 inch versions directly to my braided line – 30 lb test. The 3 inch version and the one created more for bass anglers is good for a more targeted close range approach. However, the size and weight of this lure didn’t feel quite the same and I often found it would dive on my first and second reel before returning to the surface with the proper action ensuing. I like a heavy fluorocarbon line or leader when tossing this version. Overall, I do recommend this lure. The retail price is a little high at $16.99 but I got mine for 12.99 at Cabela’s and I’m sure that the retail price will eventually come down too. If you want the exciting blow up action of top water but haven’t gotten the hang of the other lures on the market then give the Whopper Plopper
a try.
One thing to keep in mind. This 5 inch lure is not small – that means you are targeting larger fish – typically 1.5 pounds and larger. Make sure you are on a body of water that includes fish of that size and also keep in mind that larger fish come in fewer numbers so it’s not always a catchfest with these.
*UPDATE* The Whopper Plopper has been around for a while – since at least 2012 by way of the video below. It has only recently made it’s way into Texas stores.